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100 years Fashion and Style in less then 100 SEC

People's wearing evaluation is for most of us a fascination. Its funny to see how fast fashion changes. the  variation in cloths and style is changing very fast. Inside we have gatherd two videos about fashion and its evaluation in the past decade.

check out the 100 years of East London fashion in 100 seconds. and find out why the meaning of hot and sexy clothes changes every few years in the second video.

What we feel/think and therefor want to say/preform and finally express/Look depends on different factors. things like our religion, location, situation, group, political ideas, imagination and age makes the difference. This is in short Style.the expression could be artistic or literally. It could be the resolution of an special execution/performance.

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”

Quote:  Coco Chanel  (French Fashion designer who ruled over Parisian haute couture for almost six decades, 1883-1971)

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